Installation of West Lancashire District Grand Prefect
On a dull and gloomy morning, weather wise, Allied Masons from all over the country congregated in Preston to attend the West Lancashire District Grand Council Installation Meeting. The reason for this special meeting was to Install Very Worshipful Brother Graham Paul Snape Past Grand Registrar as District Grand Prefect following the retirement of Right Worshipful Brother William Richard Seddon.
The Grand Master Thomas Firth Jackson
On arrival at the Hall, for those that have never been is situated in Saul Street almost in the city centre, we were welcomed with warming drinks of tea/ coffee. Some had arrived early, for a good seat, whilst many occupied the myriad of rooms that is Saul Street to talk to 'old' friends and be introduced to new ones.
District Grand Prefect Rt. W. Bro. Graham Paul Snape
with his Deputy W.Bro William Lawrence Richmond
As instructed we were all seated by 11.00 o'clock and the meeting was called to Order by The Deputy Grand Director of Ceremony. The District Grand Council was then opened by The Presiding Officer Right Worshipful Brother Colin Williams Past Grand Senior Warden.
The District Grand Prefect for West Lancaashire
The Grand Director of Ceremony announced that the Grand Master Most Worshipful Brother Thomas Firth Jackson was outside the lodge room and demanded admission. The Grand Master entered in processional order with his Deputy Right Worshipful Brother Clive Robert Manual and all the Grand Officers. He was welcomed by the Presiding Officer, who vacated the masters chair in favour of The Grand Master. The Grand Master was saluted by the Brethren who suitably responded.
The Grand Master and his Grand Officers
The Grand Master then gave a brief history of West Lancashire and The Past District Grand Prefect who he thanked for the work he had achieved during his tenure, although in his absence. The Grand Master then directed The Grand Director of Ceremony to form an escort for The District Grand Prefect designate, which consisted of Master and Past Masters of the councils chosen by the District Grand Prefect designate, to present him to the Grand Master.
The Grand Master then conducted the ceremony of Installation in a manner that we have come expect from the Leader of our Order and with the dignity and sincerity from someone that was not totally unknown to the Prefect designate. Having been Installed The District Grand Prefect was saluted and he suitably responded.
The Gand Master, District Gand Prefect and his Deputy
After a short Introduction about the Deputy Prefect designate the District Grand Prefect asked the Deputy Grand Director of Ceremony to reform the escort and escort the Deputy District Grand Prefect designate Worshipful Brother William Lawrence Richmond Grand Junior Deacon into the Lodge Room. The Deputy District Grand Prefect designate was presented to the District Grand Prefect for Installation. The ceremony was conducted with the dignity and decorum we know the District Grand Prefect is capable of. The Deputy District Grand prefect was escorted to his place in District Grand Council and saluted to which he to suitably responded.
The Grand Master then directed the Grand Director of Ceremony to conduct Very Worshipful Brother Douglas John Forster Past Grand Registrar to be presented to him. After a few well-chosen words he promoted brother Forster to the rank of Past Grand Junior Warden which as you know makes him a Right Worshipful Brother.
To say John was shocked is an understatement one only had to see the look on his face, dumbstruck I think the word is.
The District Grand Prefect
with the insignia of the newest member of the District Prefects Team
The only other item on the agenda was to elect a District Grand Treasurer, a position recently vacated by our newly promoted Deputy District Grand Prefect, there being only one nominee the District Grand Prefect declared Worship Brother Brian Povey District Grand Treasurer until the end of the currant masonic season.
The District Grand Prefect then addressed District Grand Council following which The Grand Master and the Grand Officers retired in processional order.
The District Grand Council was closed and the District Grand Prefect accompanied by his Deputy and District Officers then retired.
The Grand Master enjoying a drink with newly promoted RT. W. Bro. D. John Forster
The noise of conversation from the bar and lounge areas about the ceremony, and excitement and enthusiasm about the future was amazing.  We were soon called to the dining room where we partook of a delicious three course lunch. After three toasts and two responses the day was over and I feel certain a day not only the District Grand Prefect will remember and cherish but I'm sure we all will.
Report and photos by Ernie Gavan